
Grain-free Double Chocolate Peanut Butter Muffins

One of the best things I did when I started to eat in a more holistic and nourishing way was to revamp my baking pantry with healthier options.  I said goodbye to bleached flour and sugar and replaced them with baking items that had something to offer my body. I posted my top 10 nutrient-dense baking pantry substitutions a while back, so take a look! One of my favorite substitutions is raw cacao powder, which is amazing for hormone balance and a simple and easy switch out for cocoa powder. I am also a huge fan of coconut and almond flour. They both have healthy fat and fiber as well.  Enjoy these delicious muffins!!   Ingredients: ¼  C creamy peanut butter (you can use almond butter if you prefer) 2 T avocado oil ½ C coconut sugar 1 T vanilla extract 2 eggs, at room temperature 1 C almond milk ½ C coconut flour  2 tsp. baking powder Pinch of sea salt ⅓ C raw cacao powder (you can use high-quality cocoa powder as well) ⅓ C chocolate chips (I use Lilly’s that are sweetened with Stevia)   Directions:  1. Preheat oven to 350. Line 12 cup muffin pan with cupcake liners and generously spray the inside of each liner with nonstick cooking spray. 2. Add peanut butter, avocado oil, coconut sugar and vanilla to the bowl of an electric mixer and mix on medium speed until well combined. Slowly add in eggs, one at a time; beat again for […]

Mediterranean Sausage and Goat Cheese Frittata

  I think this might be one of my favorite brunch dishes but it is also a great supper alongside a green salad.  Eggs are so protein dense and such a complete protein.  Egg yolks also contain choline which is an important nutrient that detoxifies the liver, which is an important step in hormone balance. It is hard for me to understand why we divide this complete and nutrient dense food and put the slimy whites in a carton and call that healthy. That doesn’t seem like a whole food to me.  Sorry, but I really get upset with what these companies do to our food, claiming it is health food and charging double the price when half of the nutrition is missing.  If you want more information on the health benefits of eggs, Dr. Axe has a really great detailed article.  It is definitely educating and well worth the read. Eggs are a fairly inexpensive protein and are absolutely delicious.  Now, I do recommend Organic and Free Range Eggs. They are so much more nutrient dense than their mass-produced, supermarket counterparts.  I buy mine from a local farm and the egg yolks are a beautiful orange and have the very best flavor.     The sausage I use in this dish is also from a local Virginia Farm as well.  Riven Rock Farm raises some of the most flavorful beef, pork and lamb of any that I have tasted.  Pastured pork is leaner than mass raised pork and has unbelievable […]

Cinnamon, Chocolate and Walnut Baked Oatmeal

    Whether you are new to prepping breakfast food this or an old pro this Cinnamon, Chocolate and Walnut Baked Oatmeal is an easy recipe to add to your meal prep routine! The framework for this recipe originally came from @restoringradiance but of course, as with most recipes, I have added in some extra protein and some superfoods to make it a little more nutrient-dense and also a balancing hormone food as well.   It is so easy to make and very energizing! I hope you try it out and enjoy it as much as I do.      Ingredients: 3 C organic rolled oats 1 ¾ C almond milk 1/2 cup maple syrup 2 TBS. coconut sugar ½ C plain Greek yogurt 3 eggs, plus one egg white 1 tsp. vanilla extract 2 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. baking powder 2 T hemp hearts 1 T maca powder ¼ tsp. sea salt ½ C Lily’s dark chocolate chips (sweetened w/ Stevia) ½ C chopped walnuts   Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. 2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk the eggs together.  3. Add in maple syrup, coconut sugar, greek yogurt, almond milk, & vanilla extract.      4. Combine thoroughly.  Add in the oats, baking powder, cinnamon, maca, hemp hearts & sea salt. Mix until well combined.  5. Fold in chocolate chips and walnuts. 6. Bake for 25-30 min in a 9×13 baking dish coated in coconut oil!      7. Start checking oatmeal after 20 minutes […]

Herb Baked Eggs

Eggs are one of my all around favorite sources of protein. This one food is a complete protein, a healthy fat and packed with amino acids. The egg yolk, besides tasting delicious, is also full of choline which is a methylator and great at removing unwanted xeno-estrogens from the liver. Which is just one reason among many why I do not believe in leaving out the yolk and eating only the egg white; egg yolks do tremendous things for balancing your hormones! So, eat up and embrace all the delicious ways you can cook with this diverse food. I enjoy them hard boiled on a salad at times, but baked eggs are my absolute favorite. Below is an easy and quick recipe for baked eggs. You can easily throw this together for a little brunch or, for a light dinner, with a green side salad.   Ingredients: 1 T butter, melted ½ C heavy cream 1 large clove of garlic, minced 1 ½ oz ham, finely chopped 1 ½ oz gruyère cheese, finely chopped 4 eggs 1 T finely chopped herbs (I use thyme and parsley)   Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 200˚C (400˚F/Gas 6) and put a baking tray on the top shelf. 2. Grease 4 ramekins with the melted butter. 3. Pour half the cream into the ramekins and then put a quarter of the garlic, ham and cheese into each. 4. Break an egg into each ramekin. 5. Mix the remaining cream with the herbs and pour […]

Blueberry Pecan Waffles

  For this recipe, I decided to make these waffles really simple and use a mix instead of making them completely from scratch. I like to use Simple Mills or Birch Benders waffle mix but you can use whatever you have on hand.  I focused on the toppings and made a lightly sweetened homemade blueberry sauce to top these waffles! I also toasted some pecans and added a dollop of Greek yogurt. They were so delicious, healthy and easy to make. Your family will love these!!!   Ingredients:  Waffle mix- (I use Simple Mills or Birch Benders) 1 12 oz. bag frozen blueberries 1 T ghee 1 C pecans 2 T maple syrup 1 C plain Greek yogurt pinch of sea salt     Directions:  1. In a medium saucepan, blend blueberries with maple syrup. Simmer over med. Heat until all the blueberries are softened and the sauce has thickened.  2. In a small skillet, melt ghee. Once the ghee is foaming a bit add the pecans. Toast until lightly browned. Sprinkle with a little sea salt. 3. Make waffles per package directions. 4. To assemble: your waffle goes on plate first, then sprinkle with toasted pecans. Drizzle your desired amount of blueberry syrup over top and place a dollop of Greek yogurt in the center.   5. I like a bit of all the ingredients with each bite. Enjoy!         © The Sown Life LLC, 2020

Susan’s Maple Walnut Granola

This granola has been a long-standing family favorite. I’ve been making it for years and often get asked for the recipe. It tastes way better than any store-bought granola, with much less added sugar. Making your own granola can really save you money as well. Why buy an expensive box when you can make your own and fill it with goodness? Oats are very good for balancing hormones; they help the body build up progesterone and testosterone, which balances out estrogen, which is much needed if you are estrogen dominant. Also, I just need to tell you what I’ve learned about chia seeds over the years.These little guys are an amazing superfood! Per ounce, they have more Omega-3s than salmon, 11 grams of fiber and 4 grams of protein. As if that wasn’t enough, they are loaded with antioxidants and calcium and help feed the good bacteria in your gut. Amazing! All the ingredients in this granola provide sustainable energy and won’t give you a sugar crash. Also, it’s very yummy, I call that a win. Please enjoy this family favorite and all the goodness that comes with it! Ingredients: 4 cups old-fashioned oats ½ cup unsweetened coconut ½ cup walnuts 3 TBS. hemp seed 2 TBS. chia seeds 1 stick of salted grass-fed butter ⅓ cup olive oil ⅓ cup maple syrup ⅓ cup coconut sugar ½ tsp. sea salt 3 tsp. cinnamon 1 tsp. vanilla Directions: 1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. 2. Combine oats, coconut, walnuts, hemp […]

Strawberry Superfood Smoothie

  Strawberry season is here! My favorite way to enjoy them is in a smoothie. I have come up with a yummy, superfood rich smoothie that anyone will love!  The weather is warming up so pull out your blender.  I’ve got lots more smoothie recipes to come. Ingredients: 6 large strawberries 2 cups ice 1 cup water/coconut milk/almond milk 2 scoops collagen powder or protein powder 1 T goji berries 1 tsp. beetroot powder ½ tsp. amla berry powder 1 tsp. barley green powder 1 tsp. bee pollen 2 pitted Medjool dates 2 tsp. chia seeds 1 tsp. maca powder   Directions: Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender and blend until smooth adding in extra liquid for desired consistency. Makes two smoothies! Links are included for easy ordering ingredients on Amazon!           © The Sown Life LLC, 2020

Homemade Yogurt

I love making yogurt at home! Buying high-quality yogurt at the grocery store is expensive and its much more cost effective to make it myself. Plus yogurt at the store is more processed, they have to in order to make it stable for transportation and to sit on the shelves for a little while. As many of you know, I really enjoy the simplicity of making these things on my own but I encourage my friends and clients to start where you can and work from there. You’ll be surprised, like I was, that many things you buy are easier to make than you think! I invested in a yogurt maker for $35 and it has been worth every penny! I also know that the Instant Pot, which is all the rage right now, can do this function as well.  Yogurt is easier on the digestive system than other forms of dairy as it contains lactobacillus acidophilus which helps replenish healthy gut flora. Having healthy gut means you have a healthy immune system that can fight off invaders like bad bacteria. The process of making yogurt also naturally breaks down lactose and pre-digests casein, which can cause gut disturbances. If you are allergic to milk, give homemade yogurt a try as its all around much easier to digest. Many people who are lactose intolerant have no trouble with homemade yogurt. I love to have this for breakfast topped with in-season fruit, nuts and my granola. Yummm.  Here’s what you’ll need:  A half gallon of raw whole […]

Chocolate Peanut Butter Smoothie

  Rich, smooth, creamy and packed with nutrition! I have always been a big fan of the chocolate and peanut butter combination and I love finding a way to have it and also have all my superfoods! A couple of dates goes a long way to naturally sweeten this smoothie. Amazon links are included for easy online ordering!!   Ingredients:  1 C coconut milk/water/almond milk/nonfat milk 1 ½ C ice 2 scoops collagen/protein powder 3 T raw cacao powder 2 T peanut butter 1 T goji berries 3 pitted Medjool dates 1 T chia seeds 1 tsp. maca powder 2 tsp. barley green powder ½ tsp reishi mushroom powder   Directions: Combine all ingredients in a high-speed blender until smooth adding any extra liquid to achieve desired consistency. Serves two!                © The Sown Life LLC, 2020

Sourdough Bread

I enjoy making homemade bread from time to time. It’s not something I do every week but I probably make it about once a month. I’ve been tweaking this sourdough bread recipe for many years. Sourdough bread is fairly simple once you get the hang of it. A little note, you will need a sourdough bread starter, which I also have a recipe for and will post later this week. The starter recipe is not complicated but makes more sense if you already have a bread recipe to refer back to. I like sourdough bread because it’s much easier to digest than other forms of homemade bread. Sourdough has higher quantities of lactobacillus than other bread, which, you may remember, is the same type of probiotic found in yogurt. This is in the raw dough and doesn’t actually make it through the baking process, however, it does leave behind lactic acid. Lactic acid helps balance out phytic acid, which is found in lots of bread and inhibits the absorption of other nutrients. The lactic acid helps to make sure that the phytic acid is in balance and your body can digest the bread more effectively. Another note on lactic acid, it makes this bread naturally lower on the glycemic index. Overall, if you feel bloated after eating bread, then you may feel much better with a little homemade sourdough. I also like to add flax seed to this recipe. You all know how I feel about flax! Its such a […]