
The Sown Life’s Holiday Gift Guide 2019

Happy Holidays! Here is a list of some of my favorite gifts and they are all items that I regularly use in my day to day life.   I managed to find Amazon links for everything in hopes that this will be helpful. I get many questions when it comes...

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Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

When I teach about Balancing Hormones we address all the symptoms of hormone imbalance. After we have gone over the extensive list, I ask each participant to raise their hand if they have experienced any of these symptoms. Every hand in the room is raised. It is so difficult when...

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My Stocked Freezer

This was an interesting list to make because I have never taken a moment to really document what I stock in my freezer. It is my storage space for meats that I purchase in bulk from local farms, summer vegetables that I freeze for use in the winter and also...

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My Stocked Fridge

This is just a little glimpse as to the staples that may be in my fridge at any given time. Of course, it changes seasonally for me since I try to purchase most of my produce from local farms and only get what is in season at that particular time....

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My Baking Pantry

I am so excited to share this list with you!  I have worked hard on filling my pantry with nutrient-dense flours and ingredients for everything from pancakes to yummy desserts!  It has taken me years of testing out different ingredients to figure out the ones that I enjoyed baking with....

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My Cooking Pantry

I finally have compiled a list of all the items I keep on hand in my cooking pantry. Having this pantry well stocked with things like nuts, grains, canned tomatoes, coconut milk and plenty of spices, helps me stay on track and gives me options and flexibility. I always try...

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Top 10 Nutrient Dense Baking Ingredients

I want to begin this short article with a disclaimer…there are just some recipes where white flour and white sugar should not be replaced…why? Because just the memories alone from a good Martha Stewart sugar cookie is nourishing…right??? Some of my old recipes from childhood will always remain the same...

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