Cauliflower Mash

Let’s talk about cauliflower! What an incredible substitute for potatoes. For me personally, I need all the cruciferous vegetables and cauliflower is packed with fiber and helps the body eliminate fake estrogens. I love using cauliflower as a side option and it gives me more bang for my buck nutritionally.  Enjoy...

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Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

When I teach about Balancing Hormones we address all the symptoms of hormone imbalance. After we have gone over the extensive list, I ask each participant to raise their hand if they have experienced any of these symptoms. Every hand in the room is raised. It is so difficult when...

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Mango Hormone Balancing Smoothie

  This new recipe is light and fruity and still fits the bill for Hormone Balance!  It’s packed with my favorite superfoods and has a delicious summery taste! Make yourself one and then go have a seat in the sunshine and enjoy!! Ingredients:  ½ C coconut milk 1 tsp dried Coconut...

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Why I Teach

Every time I teach or counsel I have an opportunity to be a witness in a person’s life. That is an incredible privilege and I am honored I get to do this for my work. Change doesn’t always happen all at once, (although those “ah hah!” moments are so exciting),...

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Cheesy Egg, Kale and Sweet Potato Muffins

While I am a big fan of a frittata, these egg muffins are great for weekly batch cooking and super easy for a grab and go breakfast. They also pack a punch nutritionally as well. The original recipe came from Danielle Walker’s cookbook, “Eat What You Love”, but of course...

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Listen To Your Body

When I review the Seven Steps to Balanced Eating with a new client, the very first step is to “Listen to Your Body”. Often I can tell they get a little confused by this concept and I don’t blame them. The fast-paced way of living in this current culture often...

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Turkey Meatloaf

I have definitely made many turkey meatloaves over the years but I have finally settled on this recipe as my favorite.  This is a super easy recipe… all you need is one bowl and your hands! Adding the extra oil to this meatloaf guarantees a really moist end result. The other great...

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